“You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.”

— Christopher Robin (A.A. Milne)


Who are the women in this community?

We’re women just like you.

All different ages and education. All different shapes and sizes. All different careers and giftings.

But even with all our differences, we find strength from our community of sisters. We’re all here to find our way in this world. To be mentored and to mentor, each contributing according to her skillset. Encouraging each other to grow and be resourceful.

Each and every one a Woman of Worth.

Meet Angela

Angela noticed something when she coached women at marriage conferences. The wives consistently prioritized their marriages as if that was their only focus. They often missed that to become a confident wife and mother—actually, to become a confident anything—women need to work on themselves first.

Married. Single. Younger. Older. Mothers. Professionals. There are truths that we share. This is a community of women who support each other so they can recognize and excel in whatever role that God has planned for them. Women who give and receive encouragement until each woman can see herself as her Creator sees her.

Angela Castillo Hernandez

Imagine how it would be if you could see yourself the way God sees you.

photo by Etienne Surrette

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